Monday, June 24, 2013

36 weeks

36 weeks! Hooray! I can't believe we're at the 9 month mark!

Well, to be honest, this week was a bit more challenging than weeks past. I've had a few health issues and our appointment didn't go quite as smoothly as I would have liked it to. Firstly, though, just know that Grayson & I are both well! Everything's fine with both of us now, we just hit a tiny speed bump this week. Let me explain...

The week began with our crucial 36 week appointment. Andy took off work to attend this appointment with Mom & I, which was extra special! (He couldn't make it to a few of the appointments during the pregnancy because he's been saving up leave time for after Grayson's arrival.) After being weighed and having my blood pressure checked, the nurse measured Grayson's heart rate, which was wonderful (around 136 bpm). Our Doctor then joined the party and I had numerous questions for her. Firstly, in the week prior to the appointment I had noticed an extremely itchy red patch on my chest. It had showed up a few days after Eli's head start graduation in the exact location where I had received a very, very mild sunburn. Therefore, I of course thought that the itchiness was merely a result of the sunburn. However, in the days that followed I realized that something more than a sunburn was at play. The itchiness had become quite severe and had even spread down to my belly. I immediately suspected the "rash of pregnancy" (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy or PUPPP for short) and after much research felt confident this was my diagnosis. My OB confirmed my thoughts immediately after viewing my rash and after liver function tests came back fine.

So, what is PUPPP you ask? It's a harmless rash that typically affects mothers pregnant with their first babies, especially if that baby is a boy (Yep, that's me!). While the rash typically begins inside of stretch marks (mine did not), it can spread to the belly, chest, thighs, and arms (mine was restricted to chest and belly). It lasts for an average of 6 weeks but spontaneously resolves after giving birth. The exact cause of the rash (which is, of course, non-contagious) is unknown but most suspect that it is related to third trimester hormones. A new hypothesis is that male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant since 70% of mothers with PUPPP give birth to boys! Who knows for sure? All that I can say is that it is extremely obnoxious! I can endure it for however long I need to, though, as long as my baby is safe!

After clearing up the rash question, my next question was regarding contractions. For several weeks I'd been experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions, which for me, felt like strong, involuntary contractions of my abdominal muscles coupled with a sensation that Grayson was "balling up" in my uterus. They weren't painful at all, just odd feeling. In the previous couple days, though, I'd experienced a couple sporadic, slightly painful contractions that felt somehow different. My Doctor confirmed that these were in fact "real" contractions but that as long as they weren't regular, we had nothing to worry about. What a relief!

Finally, it was time for the cervical check. My Doc confirmed that I was 2 cm dilated but wasn't sure if she was feeling the baby's head or sacrum in my pelvis. Thus, she immediately scheduled us for an ultrasound for the following week. Naturally, I immediately began to worry. "A breech baby?! Was this really possible? I had felt so certain that his hiccups were low. But his kicks have felt a bit low, at times too. I know the odds of a breech baby turning past 36 weeks are slim to none. That could mean a c-section for us..." And the thoughts continued to race this entire week. I have prayed and prayed that our baby will be safe, regardless of his position, and that God will take care of us both. Until next week, though, we can only wonder.

Here's our update:
How Far Along: 36 weeks 
Total Weight Gain: 29 lbs 
Stretchmarks: Yes, I still see a few tiny ones at the lower part of my abdomen, but I continue to pour on the lotions/creams/oils twice a day! 
Sleep: Great
Best Moment this Week: Learning that I'm already 2cm dilated (that's 2 down, 8 more to go!)
Movement: Lots!
Gender: Baby boy 
Labor Signs: None, but I've been having Braxton-Hicks contractions several times a day and an occasional "real" contraction.
Belly Button: In, but barely!
What I Miss: Nothing
What I am Looking Forward to:  Our ultrasound next week. At least we'll get a glimpse of our sweet boy :-)
Milestones: Grayson probably weighs anywhere from 6 to 6.5 pounds now and is over 19" long! He's losing more of the thin layer of hair and vernix caseosa that covered and protected his skin up to this point. By next week he'll be considered full-term! Hooray!

  36 Weeks 
Til Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses,
A Southern Sweetheart

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