This week we continued our baby preparations by attending a breastfeeding class, installing Grayson's car seat & assembling his stroller. It's starting to feel more & more real that we'll be meeting him soon!
The breastfeeding class was extremely informative and helpful! We learned about the different positions to hold a little one while feeding, how to achieve a successful latch, etc. I feel more informed and educated--let's hope that helps when the time comes to actually start feeding our boy!
The stroller assembly was quite the project. Thankfully, Andy is super handy with assemblies of all types and found it much less difficult than I initially did. I honestly believe that the writers of furniture assembly manuals are far too lax in their descriptions. I need more detail in the directions! I mean, if they're not clear and step-by-step, then what is the purpose of directions in the first place?! Anyhow, after making the assembly look far too easy, Andy carried our plunder to the car and we headed to the local fire station where they ensure that infant car seats are properly installed. The kind firefighter thoroughly explained the installation and removal of the seat, and after confirming that it was up to code, we were off, new baby seat in tow :-)
Let me just say that driving around with a car seat in position is an odd, odd feeling. I suppose it's just another concrete reminder that soon we'll be parents. Not Aunt & Uncle, not friend, but parents! Soon we'll have a newborn to feed, clothe, and bathe 24/7. We'll have to take care of his needs, keep him safe and well, and make sure that he grows properly. I hope we're ready, but who's ever really ready? I just keep reminding myself that together, with our families, and most importantly, with the Lord, we'll make it. Please continue to remember us in your prayers as we get ready for this wonderful adventure!
Below is our update and a couple pictures.
Proud Papa with an assembled stroller!
Sorry for the blurry image :-(!
How Far Along: 35 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 27 lbs
Stretchmarks: Yes, I still see a few tiny ones at the lower part of my abdomen, but I continue to pour on the lotions/creams/oils twice a day!
Sleep: Great
Best Moment this Week: Prepping for Grayson's arrival
Movement: Lots!
Gender: Baby boy
Labor Signs: None, but I've been having Braxton-Hicks contractions several times a day.
Belly Button: In :-)
What I Miss: Nothing
What I am Looking Forward to: Our important 36 week appointment next week. We'll learn if our son is in the correct position for birth and if I'm dilated yet.
Milestones: Grayson is over 18.5" long and weighs about as much as a honeydew melon (around 5 1/2 pounds). His little kidneys are fully developed & his liver is now able to process wastes. From here until his birth he'll continue to put on weight while his little lungs mature even further.
35 Weeks

Til Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses,
A Southern Sweetheart
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