This week was packed with studying, studying, studying as I'm preparing to take my first board exam in June. Talk about exhausting! Being 33 weeks pregnant and putting in full days of study--now that will certainly wear a woman out! Aside from studying, I've enjoyed nesting a little bit each evening. Hanging all of our boy's outfits and organizing his little accessories has been quite fun! His drawers are filled with onesies, diapers, and blankets while I have little baskets for his teeny-tiny socks and bibs! It's so hard to believe that in a few short weeks he'll be here!
I wonder if he'll arrive before or after the Fourth of July?! Our little firecracker is sure to be the star of the holiday, either way! Something else I find myself thinking about constantly is what he'll look like--blonde hair, brown hair, or no hair? Long-legged and lean or broad-shouldered and stocky? Chubby little cheeks with dimples or no dimples? Oh the questions are endless! Only time will tell and this Mama sure is excited :-)
Here's our update!
How Far Along: 33 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 24 lbs
Stretchmarks: Yes, I definitely see a couple tiny ones at the bottom of my tummy, but I'm still slathering on the lotions/creams/oils!
Sleep: Great
Best Moment this Week: Nesting!
Movement: Lots!
Gender: Baby boy
Labor Signs: None, but I've been having Braxton-Hicks contractions several times a day.
Belly Button: In :-)
What I Miss: Nothing
What I am Looking Forward to: Andy's Birthday next week & our nephew Eli's Birthday party next weekend!
Milestones: Grayson now weighs in at over 4 pounds and is around 17.5" long! The level of amniotic fluid in my uterus has reached it's maximum, which means that I can feel all of his little jabs and punches much more easily now (there's less fluid to cushion the blows!). On another note, our son's eyes are wide open when he's awake and closed when he's napping. He's able to differentiate the day from night, so his current sleep cycles should be very similar to his cycles after birth. Lastly, his little immune system is almost fully developed, which means that along with antibodies he'll get from me, he should be fairly well protected against mild infections.
33 Weeks

Til Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses,
A Southern Sweetheart
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