This week was busy, busy, busy! Andy & I have been looking for our next home, as our current lease ends early this summer. Since I will be completing my medical school rotations outside of Lexington, (and Andy already works in another city) we're preparing to not only move into a new home, but a new city! After much research and house-hunting, we stumbled upon a newly-renovated two-story home about 30 minutes from my rotations and 45 minutes from Andy's office! Believing that this could finally be "the one," we visited the home and immediately fell in love! While it was certainly not the newest of homes, it felt cozy and comfy to us. With around 2,000 sq feet and a massive back yard, we felt confident that it was plenty of room for the four of us (Andy, Baby Grayson, our pup Lily, & I). Also, since we will be new to the area, we love the fact that we can rent the home for a year or two before we decide where to purchase. We applied for the home and were approved that very evening! The only issue? Our current lease in Lexington doesn't expire until June 30, and our new lease begins in April. In order to avoid crazy penalty fees, we decided to sub-lease our current residence. Thankfully we found a great sub-lessee (an old-friend, Kelly) and were able to begin packing for our big move immediately! And pack we did! We spent every evening this past week sorting through our bookshelves, tossing and donating unwanted items, and packing box after box! And we're only about halfway done!!! (Being 24 weeks pregnant does limit my ability to lift heavy items, so the process is definitely going slower than it otherwise would have.) We feel so happy and blessed that things are falling into place though! So stay tuned for pictures of our new adventure!
Here are a few photos of our new home and our weekly update!
Living Room
Another couple shots of the living room (We LOVE the hardwood!)
Dining Room
Kitchen--yes, it's very outdated, but since we're renting we didn't want to make any major changes, so I guess we'll live with it for now. :-/ At least there's plenty of storage space!
Library/Den/Study Area
(yes, there is no central heating or air, but there are numerous wall-mounts, so we hope we'll stay cool & comfy this summer!)
Downstairs Bath--check out that retro green! Haha!
Guest Bath Upstairs--more retro green! We plan to run with it because we obviously can't re-tile a rented bathroom.
Guest Bedroom
Grayson's Room :-)
Our Master Bedroom
Ensuite Master Bath
Stay tuned for the "after" photos of our fully furnished, decorated home!
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 10 lbs
Stretchmarks: None
Sleep: Solid
Best Moment this Week: Finding our new home :-)
Movement: Yes, all the time!
Gender: Baby boy
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button: In :-)
What I Miss: Nothing
What I am Looking Forward to: Getting to carry my boy around everywhere with me and enjoying his movements for four more wonderful months!
Milestones: At about 1 1/3 lbs and 12" long, Grayson is growing little by little! It's hard to imagine but he's about the size of a long ear of corn now! His little lungs are developing bronchioles and alveoli, as well as surfactant, which will be crucial to his post-natal breathing abilities. His skin is still translucent, but will slowly become more opaque over the next few weeks. We love him so much already!
24 Weeks
Til Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses,
A Southern Sweetheart
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