Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week 29

Week 29 has come and gone! It's hard to believe that next week will already be week 30! My goodness, time is really slipping away!

Anyhow, the highlight of this week was attending the "Celtic Woman" concert with my parents & Andy. I know what you're thinking..."Celtic Woman?! That sounds so nerdy, so corny, so boring." But guess what? It was actually a LOT of fun! Since I was a young girl, my parents & I would watch the group on television every time we could. Their beautiful voices, elegant dances, and gorgeous costumes were always fascinating to me! And being of Irish & Scottish descent, I felt extra-connected to their music--it is, after all, a large part of my heritage!

So when we recently learned that they would be performing in Richmond, Ky (a very short drive for us), we jumped at the opportunity! We swiftly purchased four tickets and before long, the big day had arrived! We dressed in our prettiest attire, drove to Richmond, and claimed our seats just as the concert was beginning! The next two hours were filled with gorgeous Irish melodies, intricate step dances, and huge, dreamy, ball gown costumes! Even the stage lighting and props were impressive! Perhaps most fun, though, was feeling Grayson tumble around in my belly each time a lively, fast song was played! I sure hope he was enjoying it and not trying to escape from the noise!

After the concert we enjoyed a delicious hibachi-style meal at the local Japanese restaurant (don't worry, I thoroughly checked on the ingredients before eating!) before heading to Lexington, where Dad & Andy loaded our new dresser from Denise. (The dresser was so large that we couldn't fit it into our SUV, so Dad's truck was our saving grace!) Finally, after unloading the dresser, we snuggled down for a long evening of sleep!

The only disappointment of the week was that our Natural Labor class was cancelled due to flooding. I'm sure we'll make up the session next week, so stay tuned for more updates on that!

Here's our weekly update:

How Far Along: 29 weeks 
Total Weight Gain: 17.5 lbs 
Stretchmarks: None 
Sleep: Great
Best Moment this Week: Feeling Grayson tumble around to Irish jigs!
Movement: Oh yes!
Gender: Baby boy 
Labor Signs: None 
Belly Button: In :-)
What I Miss: Nothing
What I am Looking Forward to:  Next week's Natural Labor class!
Milestones:  Weighing in at around 2 1/2 pounds and over 15 or 16" long, Grayson is accumulating "white fat" under his skin. This fat can be used as an energy source later for our growing boy. He has also formed teeth buds for his permanent teeth and is getting stronger by the day!

29 Weeks

Til Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses,
A Southern Sweetheart

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