Andy's Birthday was a special day in our household! I spent nearly the entire day working on a yummy meal for my sweetheart :-) I made a gigantic chocolate cake & yummy manicotti--one of his favorite meals. The cake took several hours to make (everything was 100% from scratch) but was definitely worth it! I'm not a chocolate cake fan, but this cake, it was different! I could have eaten way more than my fair share had I not been concerned about the amount of caffeine Grayson would have received! Andy was definitely surprised when he arrived home from work! His grin was priceless and made my sore back worth it! After dinner, we went to a movie and just plain relaxed--what a wonderful evening!
The cake was 4 layers and literally 1 foot tall!
From start to finish!
Just a couple days later, I attended Eli's head-start graduation. It was great to catch up with friends and neighbors that I hadn't seen in several years! Many didn't even realize that Andy & I were expecting a baby, so seeing their reactions was quite fun! But the highlight of the graduation was seeing my adorable little nephew in a miniature-sized cap & gown. He was so handsome! He was not nearly as excited about his graduation as we were, though! It was obvious that he just wanted to finish the ceremony and get back to playing :-) After the blisteringly hot outdoor ceremony, my family & I ate dinner together before I headed back home.
Finally, we ended our week with Eli's birthday party. It turned out to be a beautiful, pleasant day and he had a great turn-out for his celebration! It was so entertaining to watch him play with all of his friends from school--they're all getting so big! The highlight of the party was definitely watching him open his biggest gift--a child-sized four-wheeler! He took all of his friends on rides around the yard, much to their delight! I can't believe he's already 5 years old! It seems like yesterday that we were in the hospital for his birth, and soon it'll be Grayson's turn! My, how time flies!
Our update:
How Far Along: 34 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 26 lbs
Stretchmarks: Yes, I definitely see a couple tiny ones at the bottom of my tummy, but I'm still slathering on the lotions/creams/oils!
Sleep: Great
Best Moment this Week: Celebrating birthdays and graduations!
Movement: Lots!
Gender: Baby boy
Labor Signs: None, but I've been having Braxton-Hicks contractions several times a day.
Belly Button: In :-)
What I Miss: Nothing
What I am Looking Forward to: Next week's breastfeeding class
Milestones: Grayson weighs around 5 pounds and is about 18" long (the size of a large cantaloupe!). His CNS is busy maturing and preparing him for life outside of the womb, but let's hope he stays put for several more weeks!
34 Weeks

My view :-)
Til Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses,
A Southern Sweetheart
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