Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 19

Hello & good-bye week 19! It seems as though I blinked and this week was over! I guess time flies when you're having fun, right?! :-)

Anyhow, the first half of the week was fairly uneventful. I spent most of my spare time studying for another upcoming medical school exam and doing mundane daily chores (hello dishes, laundry, and house-cleaning!). After my exam on Thursday, however, things quickly picked up in our household. I enjoyed lunch with Sabrina Thursday afternoon, which was quite a treat, considering my dear friend is 36 weeks pregnant! She is handling her pregnancy with such grace and ease, though, that sometimes I find myself forgetting how far along she really is! Her little Garrett will be here before long, so we spent most of our lunch date chatting about her final preparations for his arrival. It's so fun to think that our sons will be only 4 months apart! I'm sure they'll get into lots of trouble together over the years ;-)

Later that evening Andy & I were able to eat dinner with our close college friends, Jordan & Tyler, at Sutton's Restaurant. Talk about a lively supper! Ha! We loved reminiscing with our friends about old memories, upcoming life-changes, and generally anything exciting. By the end of the night I think we were all suffering from smile-induced sore cheeks :-)

Friday was spent shopping & packing for our upcoming busy weekend. Since Sunday was my Dad & Sister's birthday (yes, they share the same birthday, just a few years apart, of course!), I had to ensure that we had all their gifts ready. Finally, I had everything under control & as soon as Andy arrived home, we were off for a weekend in the country! Some of the highlights of the weekend included: a trip to our local Mennonite grocery store, where we purchased freshly-baked bread and organic pasta; Dad & Tiff's birthday celebration, complete with a lavish meal of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, deviled-eggs and red-velvet cake; sewing with Mom; and of course enjoying some much-needed family time with the entire gang. Snuggling with Owen & Eli was simply the icing atop the cake, so by Sunday evening, Andy & I were dreading heading back to the city. We finally pried ourselves away, though, and arrived back just in time to get a good-night's rest.

We ended Week 19 with a Monday evening celebration with my dear friend, Jennifer, whose birthday is also February 10th! Together with a couple other friends, Andy & I helped Jen celebrate her special day over a delicious dinner at Cheddar's. Again, we laughed so much that the sore-cheek-syndrome re-emerged! What a great time we had!

Perhaps the most significant development of this week, though, was the name decision! After much deliberation and thought, Andy & I think we've finally found a first name for our little one--Grayson. We love that Grayson sounds unique without being too far-fetched, manly without being too harsh, and regal without being dull. We also love that it sounds wonderful with our one-syllable last name (which posed quite the challenge, by the way!). As far as his middle name goes, we like Walker, Thomas, and Andrew so far but haven't made a final decision. We'd love your opinions and suggestions! What do you think about the name Grayson? What do you think sounds best for a middle name? Please leave us your thoughts, we'd be delighted to have your input!

How Far Along: 19 weeks
Total Weight Gain: -2 lbs
Stretchmarks: None
Sleep: Great, except for a couple bathroom breaks and the occasional backache.
Best Moment this Week: Deciding on a first name for our baby boy & celebrating the birthdays of 3 very special people--Dad, Tiff & Jen!
Movement: Yes, getting stronger every day :-) I love feeling our baby boy's punches & kicks!
Gender: Baby boy
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button: In...Andy has threatened to "Pillsbury-Dough-Boy" my belly when/if it pops ;-)
What I Miss: Nothing
What I am Looking Forward to: Our 20 week anatomy scan! Can't wait to see our sweet little one and celebrate the half-way point :-)
Milestones: Our little boy is the size of a large mango and his brain is busy developing sensory regions for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. His skin is also being coated in a waxy layer called "vernix caseosa" that will protect it from shriveling in his fluid-filled home.

19 Weeks
Til Next Time,
Hugs & Kisses,
A Southern Sweetheart

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